Two and a Half men is a comedy that is mainly aired on CBS. It first premiered on CBS on September 22, 2003. It stars Charlie Sheen, Jon Cryer, and Angus T. Jones. The show has ranked among the Top 20 programs every season since its first.I watched the episode A Pudding Filled Cactus which aired on public television on 10/14/10. This episode is about Alan, Jon Cryer, moves in with Lyndsey but continues to have a rendezvous with Melissa at Charlie's house.This show airs on Monday nights at 9 ET on CBS.This show is a about a jingle writer Charlie, and his uptight brother Alan. Alan has a growing son Jake who has grown a lot since the first season if you have seen the show before. Charlie's care free, beer drinking life is complicated and completely flipped upside down when his brother gets divorced and moves, along with his son Jake into Charlie's awesome beach front house ( I would love to own that house). I started watching this show about 3 years ago when I saw my parents watching it. Right when I saw the first episode i was hooked. This show does an awesome job having it's viewers return with it's comedy. It seems like in every episode Charlie is the laid back, care free living man who sits at home and composes Jingles for television shows, movies etc. Alan is the uptight father who tries to be the mother and father and one and tends to get caught up in the action. The patterns in this shows is Charlie is always just trying to relax and have a good time when There is always a problem with Alan.This show also has a lot of negative attitudes torwards it's audience. Mostly every single episode Charlie is drinking a beer and it portrays to young adults who are becoming adults that drinking every night is ok.
This show has a wide target audience. Although they don't swear to often and it isn't to complex to get, they still have some jokes that only adults would get so i would say the target audience is from people anywhere to 14 and up. I personally know a wide genre of personality's who all say they love this show. It is one of the only shows that i know is widely liked by all groups of people no matter where you came from. I think this show is hilarious. If you don't think this show is funny i would sell your TV and go see a doctor.
I love this show because each character has something distinct about them. all the characters are diverse and quirky. This show has been a huge hit seasons 1-7 and currently airing the eighth season. This show has no intention of slowing down and it is one of those shows that you could make up any situation and still make a huge hit out of it. I would recommend this show to anybody of any age if they asked me about it. This show has been in the top 20 shows on air since it's first season and keeps climbing the charts season after season. It has became such a popular show that they even mention and advertise in movies such has Due Date. Literally, anyone would love this show if they haven't already seen it.
While watching this show i found a lot of Advertisements for other shows that are showing on CBS (kind of obvious). Also i found movie trailers that are the big ones that are coming out such as Sanctum. Overall this show is awesome and i highly suggest to everyone that they watch this show. If you chose not to you a truly missing out on a revelation. Not only do I think it is a great show, but do all of the critics think so too. Look around the internet. When I did nearly every single bing critic loves this show and gave it at lease 4/5 stars. I will give it the same and think you will too after you watch it.
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